Playgrounds Reservations
Residents who enrolled on the website last year will be able to use that registration. The link for enrolling for new residents and for reserving for sessions is:
- To ensure safety, masks must be worn by all residents over 2 years of age, and who are not vaccinated. For those residents fully vaccinated, masks must be worn even when outside and in crowded facilities, which includes the Playgrounds, Pool, Dog Park, Basketball when opened etc. We will continue to follow CDC guidelines as they are revised.
- Park Cards must be shown at the facility when you are checked in.
- No guests are allowed until further notice. Only residents showing their Park Cards are allowed.
- Six feet social barriers must be maintained from other families.
- Please be at the Playgrounds 10 minutes before the one-hour session begins.
- The Playgrounds will be closed for cleaning twice daily.
- The hourly sessions for the Playgrounds begin at 9am to 12 Noon, and continued from 1pm to 6 pm, allowing 100 residents per session to attend.
- Each household is allowed to use the Playgrounds 4 times a week, with the following unlimited exceptions:
- No limitation if no one has registered 50 minutes before a session begins and a resident signs up; and
- No limitation if spots open up because of a cancellation or no show 10 minutes after a session begins.
- We will allow computer signatures for sports waivers and only have paperwork signed on-line or at the facility once for the season.
- No daily statements of health conditions, etc. will be required.
- The bathrooms at the fields will be open.
- With regards to concerns about taking children to playgrounds please see information provided on CNN: