Pre-COVID Event: Round Robin Tournament in East Hills Highly Competitive
On Saturday, January 11th, couples from the Village of East Hills gathered for some highly competitive and fun-filled sports competition. The East Hills Tennis Tournament took place at the Robbie Wagner Tournament Training Center. Steve Alhadeff, the East Hills’ Tennis Pro, organized and conducted the event, held in the evening between 6-8pm.
The competing couples competed in a “round robin” doubles format, in which every duo was pitted against another. The Tournament features highly experienced tennis players with considerable athletic ability.
Following many rigorous and challenging rounds, East Hills’ residents Rob and Nikki Yenchman emerged as the champions.
Mayor Michael Koblenz said “The tournament is yet another outstanding event in our community. Congratulations to all involved for continuing a great tradition in our Village.”
Steve Alhadeff stated, “All the participants enjoyed the competition and had a lot of fun. That certainly spells success.”

Pictured are some of the residents who attended and participated in the tennis tournament.