SAC Trip to Museum of the American Revolution in Philadelphia
Bus will leave Village Hall at 8:30 AM
First, we will have lunch on our own at the fabulous Reading Terminal Market. Great food, wonderful shopping for all!
Then we will have a private docent-led tour of the core exhibition of this wonderful brand new museum. We will see authentic objects that include manuscripts, artwork, weaponry, the actual tent used by Washington, plus personal diaries and the paper money (Continentals) that were issued. We will learn the stories of America’s founding generation including craftsmen, laborers, seamen, farmers, African Americans, women and Native people. These are the people who had to wrestle with conflicting ideals of loyalty and independence. Come join us for a truly enlightening and exciting visit to the start of our nation!
Dinner at Famous Dave’s in Cherry Hill, NJ on the way home.
Cost for Bus, Private tour and dinner: $80 for Residents/$90 for Non-residents