Mayor Recommends New Device to Track Excessive and Oppressive Airplane Noise and Air Pollution

A tech company, “Airnoise,” now offers a small device that you can carry and press whenever you are justifiably annoyed by a low flying aircraft. For $5 a month, you will be able to purchase a membership and create an account to use the service, either through their website or through the physical device. If you prefer to purchase the device, it is a onetime payment of $24, in addition to the $5 monthly membership. It is, in my opinion, “technology at it’s best!”

Each time a click is made, Airnoise will search for the commercial aircraft that is causing the disruption. The service will gather detailed information including the type of aircraft, how far it is from your location, and the altitude. After the complaint is generated, the service will send it to you and the complaint can be filed immediately.

You can purchase the membership and order the device at

Once you click on the link, it will bring you to the main page that will provide you with more information. At the bottom of the page, hit “Sign me up!” and, in 4 easy steps, you can sign up for this service. You will even receive the first month free! This device is a way of conveniently helping our cause to change the flight patterns so they are equitably distributed. I recommend, personally, that everyone involved with our efforts to stop airplane and pollution obtain this device!

If you have any other questions or concerns, you can email customer support at