Major News & Notices

Mayor Recommends New Device to Track Excessive and Oppressive Airplane Noise and Air Pollution
A tech company, “Airnoise,” now offers a small device that you can carry and press whenever you are justifiably annoyed by a low flying aircraft. For $5 a month, you will be able to purchase a membership and create an account to use the service, either through their website or through the physical device. If […]

“Do Not Solicit” Stickers Available
If you do not want Solicitations at your home, please complete the online form below. Alternatively, you can print the form, then mail it back or bring the completed form to Village Hall and pick up the “DO NOT SOLICIT” stickers at no charge. The security stickers must be put in clear view, at eye […]

Security Stickers Available
All new Security Stickers are available for your cars which should be placed on the driver’s side, outside rear passenger side window, so when you enter the Park, our guards can just wave you through without delay. Please complete the online form below. Alternatively, print the form and mail it back to the Village or […]

School Bus Safety
As State Senator, there is no greater issue than protecting the safety and well-being of our children. With September already here, and children going back to school over the next few days, it is a good time to reiterate the importance of school bus safety. Each day, over 50,000 school buses transport more than 2.3 […]

Be Certain National Grid Employees Are Authentic!
Imposters and scammers posing as utility workers are robbing customers at their doors and over the phone. Every National Grid employee carries a photo ID card, and any contractor doing work for the company is also required to carry a National Grid ID. If someone requesting entry into your home or place of business does […]

Petition For Equitable Distribution of Commerical Airline Traffic Over Long Island
WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, call on the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and Port Authority of NY & NJ (PANYNJ) to take all action necessary to immediately change and redistribute all airplane routes over Long Island so that all communities share equitably and fairly the overhead air traffic which is required for aircraft landings. At present, the […]