Winners! – The victorious Division “B” tennis players who captured the championship in the Long Island Women’s Inter-Club League, with a repeat of last year’s success, include, from left to right: Coaches Steve Alhadeff, Brandin O’Connell, and team members: Danielle Altman, Melissa Giordano, Debbie Goldberg, Judy Goldberg, Karen Greenbaum, Erica Goodman, Pam Lustrin, Mina Mandelbaum, Nicole Meyer, Lauren […]
Blog Posts From September 2016

Packed Park Celebrated 85th Anniversary of East Hills
September 14th, 2016
The Village of East Hills celebrated its 85th Anniversary in grand style on Saturday, September 3, 2016. “It was a great day for a great community.” said Mayor Koblenz who was honored during the festivities for procuring, planning and building the Park at East Hills. “We tried to have something of interest for everyone” said […]

Hot Doggety
September 2nd, 2016
On Tuesday, August 30th, the Senior Activities Committee traveled down memory lane as they took a trip to Coney Island. As soon as they arrived the East Hills seniors were greeted and then given Famous Nathan’s hot dogs. Then a professional guide escorted the group on a tour of the area, pointing out the landmark […]