On Sunday, August 26, 2018, East Hill’s hosted its annual “Wellness Day” event at the pool. Vendors with products and services to promote health and wellness were offered to their residents and guests. The event was dedicated to providing information, and promoting products and services on how residents can lead healthier, happier lives. Vendors sold […]
Blog Posts From

“Green Day,” Great Day in East Hills
September 4th, 2018
Each year, due to the careful planning and oversight of Trustee Clara Pomerantz, local vendors participate in a special day dedicated to informing residents on products and services that benefit the environment. The event, which was held on August 25, 2018, has become an annual tradition for the Village. Trustee Pomerantz stated: “The better our […]

Won for the Roads
September 4th, 2018
State Senator Elaine Phillips, center, is thanked by East Hills Mayor Michael Koblenz, center right, and members of the East Hill’s Board of Trustees for obtaining an extremely generous New York State grant. The funds in the amount of $125,000 will be used to repave roads in the community. Shown, from left to right along […]

2018 East Hills Women’s Softball League a Wow!
August 30th, 2018
The 2018 Women’s Softball Teams completed another highly successful year. Yes, there was nail biting; but no reported nails broken. Everyone enjoyed the year, filled with fun and the strongest competition.

East Hills Tennis Champions Crowned!
August 7th, 2018
This year, one of East Hills’ most competitive tennis tournaments was held on August 3, 2018. After many rounds of play, Bindya and Anand Melwani were victorious. While the Melwani’s were first place winners, Zach and Lauren Bloomgarten captured second place. The tournament hosted highly experienced tennis players with significant skills. Steve Alhadeff, the East […]

Special Puppet Program Park at East Hills!
August 6th, 2018
On Monday, July 23, 2018, Big Bird and Elmo performed at The Grille. The response was an overwhelming success. Presented by the “Kids in the Park” Committee, as part of the popular “Sundaes on Mondays” program, the show was a big hit for youngsters. “It was wonderful to see families attend and enjoy the entertainment. […]

East Hills Warmly Welcomes CNN Commentator Bill Press!
July 20th, 2018
Thanks to the generosity of Bill Burton, Village Attorney and the programming and stewardship of The East Hills’ Senior Activities Committee (“SAC”) a special event was held to honor CNN commentator, Best-Selling author, four-time Emmy award winner, former co-host of “Crossfire,” and the former Democratic Chairman of California, Bill Press. The afternoon began with an […]

Kids in the Park Perfect Parade and Program on Fourth!
July 5th, 2018
The best traditions of July 4th were brought out at the Park at East Hills on July4th, thanks to the Kids in Park Committee. A Parade with kids, horses, police motor cycles, fire trucks and banners helped light up the Park and celebrate the holiday. Members of the Board, committee members, parents and children enjoyed […]

July 4th Fireworks Show as Great as Promised!
July 4th, 2018
The 2018 Fireworks show received unanimous rave reviews. Once again over 3,500 people watched the show which was made by the support of Rallye Motors. The new show, which featured choreographing for the first time, was nearly postponed when the weather was not initially cooperating. Then one hour before the shows, as if on cue, […]

Seniors Announce Their Upcoming Events, Functions, Trips and Fun!
July 1st, 2018
The Senior Activities Committee has released their August 2018 Newsletter, including upcoming events. Click Here to View.