Mayor Michael Koblenz and Oversight Committee Trustee Clara Pomerantz presented a commendation to Friends for Friends, an East Hills Committee. The three student participants who were honored include Sarah Faber (pictured), Julia Tenner and Bella Tenner for their participation with the program. The committee chairs also won first place at the Long Island Good Deed […]
Blog Posts From July 2019

Excellent 2019 Financial Picture of East Hills By Moody’s
July 24th, 2019
The credit position for East Hills is very strong, and its Aa1 rating is higher than the median rating of Aa3 for US cities. Notable credit factors include a robust financial position, a very strong wealth and income profile and a healthy tax base. The credit position also reflects an extremely small debt burden and a manageable pension liability.

The Sky’s the Limit with East Hills Fireworks!
July 10th, 2019
Photo Compliments of Alan Sloyer On Wednesday, July 3, 2019 the Village of East Hills celebrated Independence Day. Residents and guests arrived in the early evening to hear DJ music and picnic at the Park. As the evening continued, the audience enjoyed a special performance by the band, Petty Rumours. Their show brought together over […]

School’s Out For Summer!
July 5th, 2019
On Wednesday, June 26, 2019, Kids in the Park celebrated the end of the school year with its annual “Party at the Pool.” Hundreds of children and parents joined in the fun. Among the many festivities, the children enjoyed DJ music and games, temporary tattoos and hair braiding for the girls. Gold Sponsor North Shore […]